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Across all year groups, there is a focus within mathematics of securing the foundations in fluency. Through daily maths recall and a persistent and determined drive to secure knowledge in the fundamentals of mathematics, pupils are able to complete basic number calculations with ease, providing more cognitive space for the more challenging elements of the curriculum. Lesson design focusses on fluency, reasoning and problem solving, taking children on a journey through the concrete, into the pictorial and then to the abstract representations. This rich diet enables students to make connections in their learning and understand concepts at a deeper level.


Our mathematics curriculum covers all aspects of the National Curriculum.  We teach using the White Rose Maths scheme, which has been matched to our pupils needs.   Teaching is further supported by small steps guidance that provides teachers with a greater knowledge of the sequential teaching steps and provides high-quality teaching resources.


We make use of additional resources to support our children’s learning including TTrockstars, Numbots and Math Shed which provide different opportunities for pupils to apply their knowledge. Further information about our mathematics curriculum is published on the school website.